Medical malpractice cases are complicated. There are many factors and variables that affect the strength of the case and the likelihood of recovery. For these reasons, most people hire a medical malpractice attorney who is an expert in medical malpractice claims to represent them. Besides the fact that medical malpractice cases are complicated, see below for additional reasons to hire a lawyer to handle your claim.
The extent of your injuries
You may not think your medical malpractice case is that serious, but you also may not be aware of the extent of your injuries right now. Injuries that start out feeling small often end up being much greater than initially thought. Yes, you should hire an attorney to at least review the facts of your case and discuss potential recovery options.
Review and evaluate your case
An attorney will review the facts of your case and your medical records to get a bigger picture of your case. He or she can then begin to evaluate the strength of your case. If an attorney believes your case is strong he or she will continue to investigate and gather facts to support your case. He or she will probably recommend hiring one or more medical expert witnesses to evaluate your case and give their opinions at trial.
Help with valuing your case
Medical malpractice attorneys understand how claims are valued. Valuing a medical malpractice claim goes beyond adding up medical bills and calculating lost wages. Compensatory damages include medical bills and lost wages, but they also include things like pain and suffering, loss of future earning capacity, loss of consortium, and disability.
Negotiating with insurance companies and lawyers
If you are not sure if your medical malpractice case is serious, insurance companies and lawyers for the other side are not going to be too willing to settle, and if they are, it will likely not be for an amount that is fair to you. Everyone you will be dealing with from insurance companies and defendant attorneys are experienced in medical malpractice cases. Unless you are a medical professional and a lawyer, you will be at a disadvantage in trying to settle the case on your own. The people you would be negotiating with are not on your side and they are not working with you, in fact, they are working against your interests. An experienced medical malpractice attorney will be able to negotiate with insurance companies and lawyers on a level playing field in order to get you the settlement that you deserve.
If you have been injured in a medical malpractice case, even if you do not think your case is that serious, contact Philadelphia medical malpractice attorney, Eric Weitz, to schedule a consultation. We have been negotiating and trying medical malpractice cases for more than 25 years at The Weitz Firm, LLC. We are dedicated and committed to seeing that our clients are fully compensated for their injuries caused by medical malpractice.