Everything You Need to Know About Compartment Syndrome in Philadelphia

Each year, orthopedic surgery is one of the top five specialties that face malpractice claims. 7.6% of all physicians have appeared in a malpractice claim during their careers, while 1.6% were in an indemnity claim.

Compartment Syndrome is a grave medical condition requiring immediate recognition and suspicion from nurses, ER doctors, internists, and orthopedic specialists to prevent catastrophic patient injury.

Missing diagnosis of compartment syndrome can lead to permanent nerve damage, amputation, chronic pain because of CRPS, and even death of the patient.

What Is Considered Medical Malpractice in Compartment Syndrome?

Delays in treatment can cause permanent damage. Consequently, delays in diagnosis and surgery to relieve pressure in the affected body part can cause irreversible muscle and nerve damage and functional deficits. If they do not recognize the condition promptly, amputation can occur.

Delayed care may make up medical malpractice because prognosis depends on timely diagnosis and treatment. The sooner they administer surgical care, the sooner it restores your blood flow, and the greater the chance of full recovery. The more you wait, the worse the result will be. According to studies, only 8% of patients had normal limb function following crucial diagnostic and treatment delays.

Compartment Syndrome Treatment

In case of a compartment syndrome diagnosis, a fasciotomy surgery may be inevitable. To relieve the pressure, the surgeon makes an incision in the compartment. They may leave the wound open for 48 to 72 hours, covered with a sterile dressing, and then closed with a skin graft. If a cast, splint, or other bandage is compressing nerves, muscles, or blood vessels, they should remove or loosen it.

Factors We Consider for a Malpractice Claim to Go in Your Favor

Clinicians should be on the lookout for compartment syndrome in postoperative patients, the signs and risk factors present help make a clinical diagnosis of compartment syndrome.

The most accurate diagnostic test is the placement of an intra-compartmental pressure monitor. It clears clinical confusion, such as in atypical presentations or when the patient is unconscious or intubated. If elevated, creatine kinase (CK) levels can aid in diagnosis.

When Discussing Malpractice, Keep the Following Terms in Mind

Medical malpractice: A doctor’s breach of duty of care to a patient that causes harm

Standard of care: The level of care and skill in treatment that is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent similar healthcare providers under the circumstances

Breach of duty: The doctor fails to perform to the required level of skill.

For a malpractice claim to go in favor of the plaintiff, five factors must be present:

  • It is necessary to show the existence of a physician-patient relationship
  • During the patient’s treatment, the doctor must have deviated from the standard of care
  • The patient got injured or had a poor outcome because of a deviation from the standard of care.
  • The physician’s actions must be the cause of the injury.

Our medical lawyers at The Weitz Firm, LLC have experience in compartment syndrome cases. They are well-versed in anatomy and medical issues, as well as the defenses that will undoubtedly come up.

Claimants with compartment syndrome have serious injuries. You’ll need medical malpractice lawyers who are familiar with compartment syndrome. There is too much on the line for you to entrust your case to non-medical malpractice attorneys. For any medical malpractice cases in Philadelphia, reach out to The Weitz Firm, LLC on 267-587-6240.



    We are highly selective in the cases we undertake to ensure that can give each client his full attention. You can schedule an appointment for a personal injury consultation at our Philadelphia office by calling us, or by filling out our online intake form.